Monday, November 10, 2008

So my sister got a new dog. Her name is Lulu.
And she is the cutest thing ever.
We were all outside, so I just decided to take some pictures.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Be the Change You Wish to See In the World."

TOMS shoes.
The Shoes of tomorrow.
For ever pair of TOMS you buy, a pair is sent to a child in need.
We had the event of "Styling our Souls" today from 1-4
We got the chance to buy some white TOMS and design them however we wanted.
It was a great time, and if you haven't ever heard of TOMS, check 'em out at

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Photography Day

Polariod Pictures

We werent suppost to be on the railroad tracks, but oh well.

This was like the old city jail or something, but I think that Andy looks like an angel. Ha.

The group.



Digital Camera.
Port-a-Potty Fun.

Tori and David.

Dancing to weird music.

More dancing.


Cool Looking Flower.



Had a really awesome day with some great people. We took pictures all day in downtown Duluth. Brought a polariod camera and that was pretty cool. Had losts of fun. :)
cant wait to see who will win our contest and cant wait to do this again.